In this article, we will see different ways in which we can read 2 files in parallel line by line, i.e, one line from file1 and one line from file2, next line from file 1, next line from file2, and so on. This way of reading produces a combined file output in which lines are alternated between the files.
Let us consider 2 sample files with the following contents:
2. awk option.
3. Using paste with awk:
4. paste output is piped to the while loop.
Note: This option will work only if your file contains only one word.
5. A pure shell solution.
Let us consider 2 sample files with the following contents:
$ cat file1 Unix Linux Solaris
$ cat file2 AIX HPUX Cygwin1. The paste command is the easiest of all to read 2 files simultaneously.
$ paste -d"\n" file1 file2 Unix AIX Linux HPUX Solaris Cygwinpaste prints the contents of multiple files side by side. By using the delimiter(-d) as the newline, the lines come to the new line.
2. awk option.
$ awk '1;{getline < x;}1' x="file2" file1 Unix AIX Linux HPUX Solaris CygwinThe variable x is assigned the 2nd filename "file2". The '1' command prints the lines of file1. getline command reads the contents of file2 and prints one line at a time. In this fashion, the lines of both the files get printed in alternate fashion.
3. Using paste with awk:
$ paste file1 file2 | awk '$1=$1' OFS='\n' Unix AIX Linux HPUX Solaris Cygwinawk uses newline as the output field separator(OFS) and hence the lines from both the files come in alternate lines.
4. paste output is piped to the while loop.
$ paste file1 file2 | while read f1 f2 > do > echo $f1 > echo $f2 > done Unix AIX Linux HPUX Solaris CygwinThe output of paste command is piped to the while loop. It reads lines from file1 into f1 variable, file2 to f2 variable, and prints them inside.
Note: This option will work only if your file contains only one word.
5. A pure shell solution.
#!/bin/bash exec 3< file1 exec 4< file2 while : do read x <&3 read y <&4 [ -n "$x" ] && echo $x [ -n "$y" ] && echo $y [ -z "$x" -a -z "$y" ] && break done2 file descriptors 3 and 4 are assigned to file1 to file2. Using the read command, the files are read one by one and they are printed. The loop is quit when there are no more lines to read in either files. The ':' in the while loop indicates a loop without any condition. - See more at:
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